Welcome to a little glimpse of life across an ocean in a country that marches to the beat of It's own bachata drum and travels the journey in crowded gwa gwas. Where 24 hours of electricity is a luxury but beach front property isn't. A land where clean water is scarce and rum is plentiful. After much time of expectation and planning, home for the next few months will be a fluid concept. Since all I could bring with me where the material things that seem so futile (packing people in suitcases is against the law. I looked it up) I decided to bring all of you with me without paying the $50.00 over weight baggage fee. Read. Laugh. Comment. Share. Enjoy.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I sleep with a saw now

As many may have heard...yes it is true we were robbed.  Last Sunday we had probably the best day since we've been here.  The entire congregation got together to work a territory where Marilin is the only witness for miles.  Every town from La Otra Banda to el campo knows her for 2 reasons, she's a witness and she's a great seamstress.  So the congregation packed into about 6 cars and traveled through the faulty winding roads to reach the territory that had never before been preached in.  We spent the afternoon following our great morning in service filling our bellies with authentic Dominican food and swinging on hammocks.  That night we went to bed exhausted by our days activities.  The next morning I was startled by Cynthia's panic tone.  I was greeted in our living room by our dismantled cell phones on the counter and our purses spread out on our balcony.  When we were sleeping they went through our entire apartment making off with my computer, Cynthia and Julie's camera, all of our cash and our sense of security.  Since then we've moved apartments and have been trying to regain our footing again.

We appreciate all of the kind messages and most of all your prayers.  All of the brothers here tell us Satan is working hard at trying to discourage us.  I know this to be true.  Since we have been here we have had tremendous success in the ministry and the next few months promise to be months of great growth. 

Sorry about the lack of pictures.  Some thief is probably really mad they have a bunch of pictures of us out in service and at meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Nat that was the awesomest post ever. Keep the faith and remember hatrers gonna hate. Serve the most high. Love ya all.

